mayo 28, 2008


“Karma existe” he oído decir a las personas y hasta hace poco yo misma empecé a utilizar este término para encontrar una causa a la mala suerte o mala vibra de otros. En cierto modo lo creo y sí pienso firmemente que si en esencia somos buenos, eventualmente, cosas buenas nos pasarán a nosotros también pero… cuándo vamos a ver la retribución de lo bueno que hicimos en esta vida?

“De acuerdo con varias religiones orientales, el karma sería una energía metafísica (invisible e inmensurable) que se deriva de los actos de las personas. De acuerdo con las leyes del karma, cada una de las sucesivas reencarnaciones quedaría condicionada por los actos realizados en vidas anteriores.”

Si esto es cierto, realmente no creo que vea nada bueno en esta hasta que yo re-encarne en otra era. A qué viene todo esto que estoy filosofando?

Leí en las noticias o más bien en chismes de la farándula en El Imparcial que Sharon Stone mencionó que el terremoto que afectó a más de 60,000 personas en China tal vez fue causa del mal Karma provocado por el trato que los Chinos le dan a los Tibetanos. Qué gacho, no?

Se me hace muy dura la acusación o especulación que la actriz hace ya que en todo caso lo que pasó en las Torres Gemelas fue por el mal trato que los Estadounidenses le dan a los de otros países del mundo durante las épocas de guerra, o con los abusos económicos que hacen, o con la discriminación que muchos le hacen a los de otras razas.

O qué hicieron los Africanos para merecer la pobreza extrema? O la gente que está siendo violada por las mismas personas que van a auxiliarlos en Sudán? O el genocidio en Darfur?

Cuántas generaciones después se devuelve lo del Karma? Cuántas vidas más tenemos que esperar para que no haya guerras, o abusos y maltratos, o terremotos, o tsunamis, o deshieles, o calentamiento global? Por qué generalizar las causas y efectos de unos al resto de la población mundial?

No se me hace justo, veo las imágenes en los noticieros de las personas que han sufrido en China y en Myanmar y NADIE MERECE perder a los que uno quiere de esa manera tan trágica.

mayo 25, 2008


mayo 16, 2008


I had a dream last night about a party. It was a little weird because we were celebrating the future marriage of a good friend but at the same time I was conscious that the wedding already happened. It was odd; I was living the past on the present in my alternate reality of my sub-conscious.

Suddenly, a friend of mine (who wasn’t my friend since I don’t think I never seen that person in my life) tried to hit on me, he got closer and I pushed him back:

“No thanks! I have someone else in my life… and I love him”

Is this for real? Is this it?

My alarm went off, I woke up… and I smiled. This is for real! :)

“Jamás. jamás yo he dejado de ser tuyo
Lo digo con orgullo tuyo nada mas...
Jamás, jamás mis manos han sentido mas piel que tu piel
Por que hasta en sueños te he sido fiel”

- Camilo Sesto -

mayo 08, 2008


I remember seeing “We are the world” video on TV, I was there, I was only 5 years old and I truly remember being excited seeing a lot of famous people singing in unison. I don’t think I could understand the meaning of the song but watching all of them, singing with so much feeling… I could feel my heartbeat through all my body.

I wasn’t sure what really happened, I just got the idea that I needed to give a chance to someone to be happy. Can you picture the images of small kids with their sad faces on the TV? I know I couldn’t do anything at the time but singing with them every time I saw them in TV made me think that I was just helping out, the louder I sang the more likely those kids would be able to hear me.

I grew up, and we were required to sing this song for some event in elementary school, it was cool for me to be part of that choir and as I kept growing up, I lost interest on these matters. Isn’t that sad? We grow older and we stop getting excited for little things. I couldn’t do anything, right? So, who cares? I know that if I sing they won’t here me so… the easy way out, just don’t think about it.

What is the point of this post? Well… few days ago, Myanmar or Burma (as other people might know this country as) was hit by a cyclone which so far, has taken the lives of 22,000 people and there are estimates that this number would go up to 100,000. They currently lack clean food, water and medical supplies. Can you help?

There are multiple official websites that are able to take payments from all over the world, no matter the amount you are willing to give. Remember those 10 or 20 dollars that you spend over the weekend in stupid stuff? Well… you can spend them in something that really matters.

Here is a list of websites that we could use:

**Doctors without Borders
**Feed the Children
**Myanmar Aid
**World Vision


"We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me"

Michael Jackson

I know, Michael Jackson is not the best referral source to talk about helping out children but in this case… his song is right.

Etiquetas: , , , ,

mayo 01, 2008


Learn a song… 1 afternoon
Write a song… 28 years and counting
Turn a stranger into a friend… 1 date
Turning him into a boy friend… 1 kiss ;)
Convince my mother I arrived at 2 am… 1 hour
Convince my father I didn’t drink … 1 pack of gum and LOTS of equilibrium
Convince my brother to back me up… 2 favors and 1 week of laundry
Convince my boyfriend I was with the girls… cook romantic dinner and some “dessert” ;)
Convince the girls I’m over my ex… acting
Help my friend to pull it together… 3 silent hours, a hug, a bottle of tequila and a mariachi!!!!!
Pull it together… a friend, 3 silent hours, a hug, a bottle of tequila and a mariachi!!!!!
Have the guy I like to ask me out… short skirt, sexy dancing and some serious flirting
Get this guy to take me serious… put on hold the sex part
Win a tennis tournament… 5 months of hard training
Get a scholarship at ASU… be the first to finish in EVERY spring we ran
Get over my first time heartbroken … 1 year and some distance
Get over my second time heartbroken… 2 months and finding my self-esteem again
Lose a friend… a betrayal
Lose my mother’s trust… a lie
Leave a great love because it wasn’t meant to be… a lot of crying and more courage than I knew I had
Lose 6 pounds… discipline
Lose my flat stomach… indiscipline
Apologize… too much
Forgive... too little
Forget... “What happened?”
Say I like you… 3 beers
Say I love you… a relationship
Say I miss you… my pride
Move on… motivation
Letting you go… a piece of my heart
Forget you… Every minute
Stay with you… 1 thousand one reasons
Leave you… a powerful one
Ask for forgiveness… “I’m Sorry”
Express your feelings… “Thank you”
Break you… not saying “I don’t wanna leave you”
Break me… saying a false “I wanna leave you”
Love you… 4 years
Cry you… 4 months
Remember you… 4 lifetimes
Be friends… time
Bear with this time… write things like this.