abril 14, 2008


¿Te gustan este tipo de películas? Me preguntó sonriendo, con una sonrisa muy bonita y muy desconocida para mí; esa simple pregunta me hizo querer salir corriendo de ahi y esconderme. No sé si fue la pregunta o lo desconocido de su gesto. ¿Qué si me gustan? Tú nunca me hubieras hecho esa pregunta porque sabes perfectamente que hubiera preferido ver otra cosa, tú no me hubieras preguntado, porque hemos visto tantas juntos que sabemos exactamente cuál quiere ver el otro.
Tu no necesitas preguntarme si se me antoja algo de cenar, porque ya sabes que necesito comer cada 4 horas o menos, no necesitarías averiguar qué me gusta hacer para divertirme porque tus gustos son mis gustos y tus maneras de divertirte ya eran y se hicieron más y más como las tuyas. Esta vez nadie me hará carrilla si digo un comentario despistado o si traigo unos jeans que con muchas sentadillas logré que me cerraran. Esta vez el carro huele a dos personas, porque tú jamás usas loción y solamente mi perfume nos rodeaba. Esta vez no sabía que ponerme, cómo vestirme porque tu me has visto desde lo más guapa hasta lo más fodonga del mundo, y aún así me decías que no había mujer mas hermosa.
Move on, me dicen... pero no sé qué es eso. Pero veo que todo mundo lo hace, asumo que debe ser algo bueno, creo que hasta tú me lo hubieras aconsejado.
¿Entonces, te gusta este tipo de películas? Me repitió tomandome con mucho cuidado de la mano como tratando de despertarme de mi sueño nostálgico, La verdad no se si me vaya a gustar, le dije, pero estoy dispuesta a probar...

abril 07, 2008


“Why is it drug addicts and computer aficionados are both called users?”
-Clifford Stoll-

How interesting and at the same time, how sad… there have been too many reported cases about different types of illnesses and deaths associated to computer/internet dependency. As a declared cyberfreak, I find kinda scary to see how people get to the point of loosing their lives because they were not able to control their cyber needs.

Even though, I know I spend a lot of time in the computer I am sure I won’t get to the point to loose my life to it. I like to go outside, I like to eat and after a while I get so back sore that I MUST leave my desk no matter what but… what about the people who do not have those other distractions? They get so immerged into the monitor, connected to the parallel reality they see on the net to the point of loosing connection to their real lives.

I am not quite sure if is very sad that they loose their lives because of technology or because they already lost their lives they try to live something else in the cyberworld.

I ACCEPT (that is the first step I guess):
**I check my e-mail multiple times a day
**I check my Facebook on a daily basis
**I get anxious when my computer takes forever to boot up
**I get stressed when my Internet does not work

I even got very upset because my computer got a virus last night and even though I knew my information was backed up I just didn’t wanna go through the format process plus spending sometime without a computer. If I really think about this is not a big deal, my computer could actually use a fresh install but… am I really addicted? Or am I just an obsessive compulsive woman (I know I am)? Is it just me? I’ve seen people who is way worst than I am… does that makes this right?

The article New workplace hazard: 'Blogger Death' talks about a couple of people who had a serious heart attack just because they were trying to keep it up with the competion (I care about my blog and it is nice to see that some people read us but… really? Popularity contest? Not for me…). Also, on another website I found some of the symthoms that could determine if you are addicted to computer The Truth About Computer Addiction, then… are we all addicted at a certain level?

Do we need to start Computer-holics Anonymous?