mayo 04, 2014


There has to be a dog heaven, where every single puppy is able to chew on the most expensive shoes and they could have a feast of Louboutins, Manolos and Jimmy Choos.

There has to be a dog heaven, where every single puppy is able to roll on top of clean laundry and run around the house with the toilet paper roll.

There has to be a dog heaven, where every single puppy is able to pee on each and every couch and they could poop inside their owners Louis Vuitton pouch.

There has to be a dog heaven, that will be fair… they are the few creatures I know who give us their unconditional love and they care about us no matter if have failed.

I never thought I would love both of my pets that much, I knew I cared about them and provided for them but never in my life thought I would cry like a little girl when one of them passed away.

Thank you honey for these couple of years, I really hope you are now at peace eating, running, playing and taking lots of naps with all your other friends.

There has to be a dog heaven, I am pretty sure… you left us here but I know you took a tiny piece of my heart with you.