enero 23, 2008


He is not afraid to play, because sometimes that’s fun, but they played him so many times that he is scared to get back in the game.

He is not afraid to fall, because he can always get up, but they have dropped and thrown him away so much that he is frightened to try.

He is not afraid to get hurt, because sometimes its worth it, but they did not just hurt him so bad, they tried to touch the wound until they finally broke him.

Now the pieces are lying all over the floor… he can’t make them fit together… he doesn’t know where to start… he doesn’t know where to find the strength. Do you think you can fix him?

I can... but I'm afraid.

2 Comentarios:

A la/s 8:09 p.m., Blogger Bilutona dijo...

i feel you my friend... it's hard, but like they say.. "no pain, no gain" pero velo de esta manera.. cuando una fortaleza se derrumba, al levantarla la hacemos mejor y mas fuerte ;) se grande amiga... disfrta lo que te ofrece la vida cuando lo tienes enfrente... detente por TODO lo que tu quieras... pero NO por miedo... mas vale arrepentirse de lo que se hizo y no de lo que se dejo de hacer! esa oportunidad se pierde! te quiero!

A la/s 9:34 p.m., Blogger Tita dijo...

Gracias amiga, te quiero ;)


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